1. Hi,
    I need to use wifi or gprs for 24*7 on my cell phone and I can’t do away with it because of the nature of my job. The methods you have suggested might be helpful in saving hell lot of battery.
    Wish Companies could devise better cell phones with long lasting battery. I will stop carrying a charger that day..:)

    Nice post

    1. I usually tend to switch off wifi when I’m travelling. It does save a bit of battery. If you have a phone with a Snapdragon processor, you should check out the Snapdragon BatteryGuru.

  2. Hi Ajay,
    I usually leave wi-fi option on, as I am not sure if the that eats up phone battery in the absence of wi-fi. Secondly, I am only aware of the set model and the android os used. I have a samsung galaxy ace model .

    Thanks for the inputs

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