If you wish to read and/or post on this blog, you agree to follow these guidelines:
- Only post comments under the entry to which they correspond.
- Please use your correct email address when you post a comment. Your address will not be shared with anyone or made public on this site. They can be seen by me and me alone.
- If comments for an entry have been closed, you may contact me via e-mail, but do not attempt to post a comment under another entry.
- Watch your language. I will not tolerate abusive language on my blog. Period!
- No flaming. Lively discussion is encouraged, but personal attacks against me, my family, my friends, or other commenters are forbidden.
- Do not use my comments to inform me of trivial site design or accessibility issues, unless the entry was about that issue. If you notice a broken link, or a design flaw in the site, or if you are handicapped and have a suggestion as to how I might improve your access, do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Depending on the severity of your offense, I may edit your comment, delete your comment, ban you from commenting, ban your town from commenting, ban your country from commenting or report you to your ISP. (Adapted from Tempus Fugit)
I reserve the right to change or add to these rules at any time. This is my site, so my freedom of speech triumps yours.
That being said, I am a very fair person. If you are well-behaved and follow these rules, your free speech will not be silenced or altered.
In simple words, what I write here is my opinion. The aim is to tell the truth and not to defame anyone. If someone has an issue with that, he/she is adviced to ignore me and the website itself.
Enjoy your stay here 🙂
Ajay D’Souza