Security and Backup Essentials for WordPress
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Security and Backup Essentials for WordPress

WordPress is a cultural phenomenon when it comes to publishing online. What started as a simple blogging tool in 2003 has become the most popular open-source content management system (CMS) in the world powering and millions of sites worldwide. There are a number of alternatives including the very popular Joomla, but the difference with…

Dropbox two step verification
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How to enable 2 step verification on Dropbox

There have been concerns about the security of your files in Dropbox. Recently Dropbox added another layer of security similar to Google’s two step verification. When you enable two-step verification, whenever you want to login to Dropbox, you will need to use your password, and a security code that will either be texted to your mobile phone or generated by a mobile authenticator app (available for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone 7).

Five Freeware Software to manage your Passwords
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Five Freeware Software to manage your Passwords

If you’re like me, you’ll have hundreds of accounts all over and you’ll need to remember an equal number of usernames and passwords. Good security requires you do not keep the same password for all your accounts and so it would totally impossible for you to memorize all the passwords. This is where password managers come into play.

View which Service Packs and Hotfixes are installed
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View which Service Packs and Hotfixes are installed

So, you’re a conscientious system administrator or even a very neat and tidy home user who likes to keep his/her PC fully updated and patched against any malignant threats that float around on the interweb. Good for you. You subscribe and read so many postings on various security related forums.