Beware: Google 10th Anniversary Spam Email
Received an interesting email today. Interesting because without doubt it has all the signs of a big scam. Firstly, I received it at my Yahoo! ID as a BCC. Secondly, well, the website does not exist. Thirdly, you are asked to send your details to a email address!
Here’s the email below. Please do not respond to it!
Google 10th Anniversary Awards Centre
London W1U 4RY, United Kingdom.
Tel: +4470359 30429, +44 703 188 0871
Fax: +44 870 495 6313, +44 870 471 8742We are pleased to inform you that your email address has won an Award in the Google 10 Years Anniversary Awards as organized by Google Inc., held on Sept. 7th, 2008 in London, United Kingdom.
Google Inc. randomly selected 20 email addresses through a computer ballot system to receive an award of Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds (Ј 500,000.00) each as a part of their for-profit philanthropic wing (GOOGLE.ORG) promotion.
Awards MUST be claimed by the email owner ONLY, not later than 3 weeks from the day of notification.
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2008
File number: G245
Send your complete personal information with your Award Ref. and File no. to us to enable us process your claim
1. Full name:
2. Country:
3. Contact Address:
4. Telephone/Fax no.:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Sex:
8. Age:
9. Email:Director of Operations: Dr. Cibor Jeronim
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +4470359 30429, +44 703 188 0871
Fax: +44 870 495 6313, +44 870 471 8742Please do not reply if you are NOT the owner of this email address
Congratulations!! Sincerely Yours,
Google Management
After 10 years of establishment, Google Inc is worth over 23 Billion US Dollars with over 20,000 workers worldwide making it the best and most successful online search engine in the world.
I received a mail in my inbox that I have won a 500,000.00 (GBP) in the 10th Google Anniversary Awards on 7th September, 2008. I have given my details and still i got reply from Dr. Cibor Jerinom, Director of operation. I am still confused if I am a real winner to be such a fortunate enough or it is just a scam. I want to know really.
Thanking you
Ganga Pradhan
ganga pradhan i have aslo received the same mail in my mail box but i haved not replied to it do tell me what to do, if you get hold of it ???
@Ganga and @Saket. Please do not respond to this and such emails. It is a scam
i have also receive such type of mail. but i am confused on reply to such mail. if it is scam, why not we have to resiter a compland in cyber crime branch. pl advice.
Hi Ganga Pradan, Ajay, Saket and vivek,
It is just a scam.
hey u guys out there wondering whether its a scam or not:
i hope its clear enough
Hi, friends I have also received same. Any idea which way this scam works and why has kept mum?
How they got email address of google.
Hey guys and my dear friends, even i had got this email. I dont understand scam in this. I had called mr. Cibor on phone to check the authentification of the same.
The Guy on the other end of phone, told me this being real thing.
Do let me know as what is to be done, as i have already shared my information with the Mr. Cibor.
Gaurav MOZAR
Hi Gaurav,
Any Further movements against the above mail.
Folks please understand that this is a big scam. Sharing details with these persons is welcoming identity theft!
hey i have also received a mail regarding 10th anniversay of google. I have replied it and i have been asked to send Rs. 43,000/- by cash. I have not responded that. I think it is a fake mail and no one should be respond such mail. Even, if it is posssible, it may be brought to the notice of cyber cell.
Hi, I have also received an email for the same. Is it Scam or real one.. Pls reply if anybody knows.
Thnk you guys.
hey friends! I also have received the same spam. I have sent my ID card too. After that they have asked me to deposit Rs 43000 to their associate in India. Now, I think of complaining about it too the cyber cell.
what you people say?
HI friends good afternoon
I have also recd award winning mail and I have given detail to Mr cibor
except bank detail,Its seems to me u r all INDIAN
what shall I Do,Should I accept as True
HI friends I have also recd award winning mail and I have given all details.except bank detail.As per my request Mr cibor mail me the awards winning certificate and scannned copy of cerified bank cheque which is issue by citi bank of london. address is citi bank house,335-336 strand, westminster london, WC2R 1HA United no.000213 dt.18/11/2008.please help it is fake or truth?
I have received the same mail twice .First one showed the mail receipient to be someone else and made me guess its true nature. Isnt there some way of stoppig these mails?
next time, i reced such type of mail. please advice what i can do.
I got da same mail & i responded to it…..
i was not knowing tat it was a spam….
Is there any harm in doing so??????
hi friends, myself asking a simple question to all of indian,the award mailer people choose to us clearly froud.why we not unite and complaining to cyber crime department of our country to check where from such scandle mail comes.and what they do needfull,so no inosent indian can loose his money.also write to google people to aware & indicate who is going and haking his site for such type of crime,kindly stste.
hi i got that person’s mobile number involved in the scam.its 09971912284
even i have recd the same mail but it also includes my residence address, how can that be possible???
Why Cyber Crime Cell is not investigating such kind of Mails. Crime Cell may send someone alongwith the amount demanded by them and cought them red hand.
Even i recvd an email of the same kind,and i have passed on my bank details,how dangerous can it be in the future?I had also been asked to pay 500pounds which i have’nt paid.After reading all your mails i m convinced it is a scam.
Friends…finally i responded to that mail and gave them person called to my mobile from delhi saying that he is involved in that. his number is 9971912284.He sounds not an Indian but may be a malaysian or an african.
I hv also recd same email. i hv given my personal details including bank a/c .pls help me what to do know?
I have also recd same email,I hv given my personal details includind bank a/c. pls advice me what to do know?
I have recd same mail, pls advice what can i do.
I also received such an email, that I am the only indian to win the email award. still asking to pay the required VAT amount of Rs.17,400 in the given account. what to do?
any comments dear? please reply urgently
plz dont be fool…in these type of greedy things…i hav also rcvd such an mail and given identity proof….first they are saying only 20 peoples….and now u can see 38 no of victims who hav given and opinion in this page……..there may others ..alsoo
hi friends,this mail is completily scam i had already paid of Rs 170000 now the person is not give the response of mail.Pleaseeeeeee does not response on such types of mail
E-mail says only 20 selected but just imagine how many are here. So please stay away and do not waste your time no one is going to do a thing about this. I believe that the law enforcement agencies are getting a part of this income generating scam.
This does seem to be a scam. I received this mail and responded with some details.
Immediately they sent an e-mail response with a Certificate claiming to be from Google UK giving me GBP 500,000/- but before this was transferred they wanted GBP 500/- to be given to them as VAT. Though this is meant for HMRC of UK Govt. However they want to collect it in cash in Delhi.
We should get these thugs arrested. Any one who has made contact with them in India ?
Please respond
LOL… Everyone who even thinks this might be real is a complete nut!!!!!!
Come on think about it….. There is no such thing as free!!!! money people…. I must admit though that it would be nice.
My goodness!!!!
Dear Friends
I have received this mail but before responding to this mail i confirmed about from google and others.then i realise
who hell will give me such million rupee without cause.
thanks God i didn’t responds to this .
I am shocked at how many people believe, or even believed for a second that this is even slightly possible!! Is this the first email you have ever received in your life? I fear for gullible people… On just this site alone, reading the comments, I see why these scam emails keep coming; they work. There is no one I would ever give as much as the first letter of my dogs name to unless I have real business with them. Poor people be careful.
I have received email information about google 10th anniversary award. I think this type of information is sent to various people to cheat them by way of getting full details about the particular person. I surpraised ! why Google management is relectant to take any action about this type of scam!
My inbox is full of such mails. Suddenly I happen to be winner of Yahoo/MSN, Nokia promo, Coca-Cola & Google. I know this is all fraud, learninig from the experiences of people. So I did not respond to such e-mails.
I have received email information about google 10th anniversary award won 500,000,00 but I don’tknow about this, please i want more information please call me this number-9916790954
Hi friends
i haaave also received theee same letter in my mailbox sating the same fact my question is the same why google is mum about the same on the name of most trustful company some is playing a game and is trapping some people so to everybody please please not respond such mail
Hi everybody. I have recived the same style email .It is perfectly written to deceive anyone who acts like a fool.All in all you have to be very careful when dealing with such a big scam .who is the fool who will give you $1,000,000.00 US
DOLLARS in order to take your personal information.Please don’t forget do not ever open your spam e-mails again.
i received a similar email. i read it just today. what a pity it is just a scam….how many more of us will be victimized? GOOGLE must do something about it…..
I also received this mail a couple of days back. I gave my scanned copy of passport. Now they asking for advance money of Rs. 35,000/-… Can we all report this to the cyber cell…
GOOGLE must do something about this. Looks like googles compliance / InfoSec teams are not strong enough….
I also received this mail a couple of days back. I gave my scanned copy of Id-card(occupationa). Now they asking for customs clearence money of Rs. 19,500/-â?¦However they want to collect it in cash in clear the process Can we all report this to the cyber cellâ?¦
GOOGLE must do something about this. Looks like googles compliance / InfoSec teams are not strong enoughâ?¦.
hi im dev i also got this type of msge im confucing wat i ido pls help me
You are all idiots. Why would anyone give you free money.
Googles official emails should come from and not !!!
Why would you All send your bank details anyway?
I would recommend you immediately close the account that has been compromised and open another one.
Hi everyone,
I read all the comments posted on this page. I am shocked to see so many innocent people. These mails are spams or fake mails.
Well I will give my side of justification or proof for they are scam.
I am receiving 10 such mails daily stating I have won from sony, nokia, google, yahoo and so on. If I am going to win all these I will be the next Bill Gates in no time.
So think before you leap to conclusions.
There are certain thinks which will make it clear that it is a spam.
1. Check for the email address from which you are getting the mail. If it is from a organisation it will be their own mails and not the free mails like gmail, yahoo, msn, live etc.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
All these are free mails. No company which is going to offer such high rewards will use a free mail.
2. Also they wont announce the winner just using the email for such high amounts.
3. Why would any company give such high amounts to persons they even don’t know when they have millions of customers to offer.
So don’t fall a prey to those mails made in Nigeria. Recently a retired engineer got a sms on his mobile stating he has won 5 million pounds. By responding he has lost around 13 Lakhs which was a major part of his retirement savings. He has informed the police and they have caught the thief.
So don’t jump to conclusions on receiving those mails.
me too is a victim, google must do appropriate action to this scam people..
I am also a victim of this Google 10 years Anniversary Award. I would like to ask some more about this. Can you please send me an email address to whom I can ask something about this.
Comments on this post have been closed.
As I mentioned at the start, this email is a scam.
In fact all emails / messages of this nature should throw up warning bells.
If you are victim of this or similar scams, then there is nothing that me or anyone on this blog can help you.
Please do not try to email me or any of the authors here, because you will be wasting both your time and mine.