Gmail – Better Uploads, Titlebar Tweaks & your own theme
Gmail is in super duper update mode! Over the last week we’ve seen some awesome updates to the interface.
Multi-select Uploads with Progress Bar
You can now select more than one file in the same folder by hitting Ctrl key in Windows or Cmd in Mac OS X.
On selecting the files for upload, Gmail will show you a progress bar with the progress of the upload. Now, you don’t need to twiddle your thumbs wondering when the upload will complete!
Tweak your title bar
One painful experience with Gmail was that the unread count was displayed last in your browser title bar. So, if your window was minimized, you had no clue as to how many unread messages you had. There were greasemonkey scripts and addons for Firefox that allowed you to tweak this, but now this settings is available to you from within Gmail Labs. Enable Title Tweaks in your Labs.
Create your own Gmail Theme
If you don’t want to use the ready made Gmail Themes, you can always create your very own custom theme.
Navigate to Settings > Themes, and find the "Choose your own colors" option at the bottom of that page. You’ll be able to select colors for everything from the background of your inbox to link text.