
Dexpot releases new version with Windows 8 support

One feature that has remained lacking in Windows is multiple virtual desktops which are easy to use and customisable. Dexpot brings this much needed feature to all Windows machine with the latest version including support for Windows 8. Dexpot brings to you several features that truly enhance your Windows experience.

View which Service Packs and Hotfixes are installed
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View which Service Packs and Hotfixes are installed

So, you’re a conscientious system administrator or even a very neat and tidy home user who likes to keep his/her PC fully updated and patched against any malignant threats that float around on the interweb. Good for you. You subscribe and read so many postings on various security related forums.

One Click Restore of Windows Desktop with Desktop Hijack Fix
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One Click Restore of Windows Desktop with Desktop Hijack Fix

Have you ever seen the screen above? The screen above is shown to Windows users, primarily Windows XP whenever you’re using a wallpaper and your explorer crashes. If you’re facing this problem repeatedly, you can either manually make changes or with a single click set everything to default.

Quickly rename files with PFrank (Tool Tuesday)
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Quickly rename files with PFrank (Tool Tuesday)

Renaming a file is as simple as hitting F2 on your keyboard. Well it is all good unless you have ten or twenty or more files to rename. Short for Peter’s Flexible RenAmiNg Kit, PFrank is a bulk file/folder renaming program that lets you can easily organize your music, picture, video, or any other types of files.