How to Record OnScreen Activites Online
When making a computer based tutorial/presentation you’re required to get specialized software that will capture both your voice and your movements onscreen. Some of these software cost hundreds of dollars are bulky to install and are espcially confusing to setup. For example when choosing which video and audio format to use to save your actions in.
ScreenJelly enters the fray to not only provide the service of `screencasts’ in an easy manner for both the creator of the screencast and the user but they’re doing it using only your web browser and its for free.
You just need to allow a Java applet to load after which you will be given a large Red button. As soon as you click the button you have 3 minutes to record your actions along with any audio info you want (through your mic). When you’re done you’ll be given the option to either email, tweet or use some of the other supported social networks to share your screencast with others.
There is not software to install all you need is your browser, mic and a little (or lot) of imagination! Within minutes others will be viewing your visual take on whatever it is you wanted to show.
@Umar: Please include a link to the site/service. Makes it more convenient than having to search for it.