Get your free iPhone
Found this at Techcrunch.
For those who are waiting desperately for Apple’s iPhone, you can now download this image, print it out, fold it along the dotted lines and you have you’re very own iPhone.
Who says the best things in life aren’t for free?
Sneakmove also has a version of this in PDF format, which instructions.
Ohh… the iPhone doesn’t function. If you want a working product, you’re just going to have to wait. And yes, at times the best things in life come for a price 🙂
Yeah, but is it bluetooth?
Well, they need to paint a blue tooth on it 😉
I doubt I’ll print it but nice to know it exists, hehe.
Btw, there are ways to get Free IPhones 🙂
When I first saw new iPhone in one computer magazine I imidietly fall in love! 🙂 Love at first sight. I’m can’t efford to buy it, but I’m dreaming to have it, so please make my dream come true!
A friend told me about a site called and it explained fully how to get an iPhone for free. I thought it was a scam at first but he actually did get an iPhone from this company. You might want to check it out….
Have a good day!
that probably gets better reception than my current phone. LOLOLOLOL
I want to know too if it has bluetooth!