Create Presentable Webpages Containing Slideshows of Your Media

You can tell an amateur site owner by the poor display of media on his/her website. Simply putting the files as links which need to be clicked in order to be accessed is just not the way to go. You need your images to be shown in a presentable way and your videos too.

Regarding the proper display of images, you need to first create a webpage with a thumbnail format. Today we will go over a program that lets you create such a webpage in a matter of few mouse clicks. This program is LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator.

The program’s size is just 500KB and in a jiffy downloads and installs. Here is what the main window looks like:


The first thing you need to do is create a folder and copy the media you want displayed in this folder. The picture formats you can use are JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP whereas the video formats you can use are FLV, SWF, ASF, and WMV.

Once copied, enter the link of this folder in the top bar (the one in red). You can either type in the path manually or the yellow ‘folder’ button on the right to browse to the location. Next, choose the destination folder for where the resultant webpage will be saved.

Choose the dimensions of images and click on ‘Create Gallery’. The destination will now have new contents as shown in the image below:


Click on the file titled ‘Default’. The link will be opened in your default internet browser (Firefox, in the case of this example):


Using the freeware version of the LVWGC will generate pages mentioning that the page was created by LVGWGC.

The blue play buttons signify video files. Click on any file to open it in a smaller new window:


You can click on play to start a slide show or click on the open image to move on to the next image. Video files are also played in the same manner, in a new smaller window.

To incorporate your newly formed webpage onto your site, all you have to do is copy the created folder to your site.

Providing website owners a simple way to properly display their media, LVWGC is one freeware no site owner can afford to overlook.

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