Three Freeware Tools to Defragment your Windows Registry
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Three Freeware Tools to Defragment your Windows Registry

A while ago, I wrote about Ten Tools to Defragment your Hard Disk. Like your hard drive the windows registry is also prone to defragmentation because it is constantly accessed by programs. Fortunately, we have tools that help you clean up your windows registry and defragment the same.

Quickly rename files with PFrank (Tool Tuesday)
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Quickly rename files with PFrank (Tool Tuesday)

Renaming a file is as simple as hitting F2 on your keyboard. Well it is all good unless you have ten or twenty or more files to rename. Short for Peter’s Flexible RenAmiNg Kit, PFrank is a bulk file/folder renaming program that lets you can easily organize your music, picture, video, or any other types of files.

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Total Validator (Website Wednesday)

Total Validator is a free one-stop all-in-one validator comprising a HTML validator, an accessibility validator, a spelling validator, a broken links validator, and the ability to take screenshots with different browsers to see what your web pages really look like. You can select what validations you wish to run as well as which browser screenshot you wish to see and Total Validator will bring you a custom report on the errors. You also even more advanced settings, upload a page or cut & paste the HTML directly.

USB WriteProtector (Tool Tuesday)
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USB WriteProtector (Tool Tuesday)

USB WriteProtector (English version) is one of the jewels that make live really peaceful when you live in a world where your darling pen drive spends a lot of time across several laptops / computers. USB WriteProtector is a small portable software that allows you to write protect your pendrive. This ensures that no files can be written to the drive unless unprotected.